Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Impacted Wisdom Teeth in Kansas City, MO

Impacted wisdom teeth can disrupt daily life in Kansas City, MO. Trust Oral Surgery and Implant Institute KC to help give you relief and a better smile. This common dental issue causes discomfort and affects overall oral health. Knowing what an impacted wisdom tooth is and how it affects your habits is the first step to resolving it. An impacted wisdom tooth occurs when a wisdom tooth doesn't have enough room to emerge, usually leading to pain, damage to other teeth, and other problems. Even if it causes no immediate issues, it can be harder to clean, making it more vulnerable to decay and gum disease.
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Detecting and Treating Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Dentists identify impacted wisdom teeth through a consultation, which often includes taking a specialized x-ray of the mouth and jaws (panorex). This x-ray helps determine if the wisdom teeth are impacted, if there is enough room for them to erupt, and the complexity of their removal. Sometimes, the wisdom tooth may be in an unusual position, or the jawbone and other facial structures might complicate the extraction process. Depending on these findings, the dentist will recommend whether wisdom tooth removal is necessary and discuss the best treatment options.

Types of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Each person's situation is different, and the type of impact we see in our patients varies. Here are some types of impacted wisdom teeth that we commonly deal with:
  • Complete Bony Impaction: In this situation, the tooth has no space to erupt. It remains embedded in the jawbone or, if even partially visible, requires complex surgical techniques for removal.
  • Soft Tissue Impaction: There isn't enough room for the gum tissue to retract for adequate tooth cleaning.
  • Partial Bony Impaction: There is enough space for the wisdom tooth to erupt partially. However, the tooth cannot function properly in the chewing process, creating cleaning problems, among other problems.

Preserve Your Healthy Smile

At Oral Surgery and Implant Institute KC , everyone deserves a healthy smile. That's why we offer top-notch wisdom tooth removal services in Kansas City, MO, using the latest techniques and technology for your comfort and safety. Say goodbye to the problems caused by an impacted wisdom tooth and improve your oral health. Contact us if you're experiencing discomfort or suspect an impacted wisdom tooth. Call us to schedule your consultation and take the first step toward a healthier smile.